Quotes -- from the horse's mouth so to speak |
Links -- don't see your favorite dish on this menu, go look at somebody elses |
Goo Crafts -- just a little page to house some of the Goo-ey things that I've made |
The Goo Goo Dolls Drinking Game -- COMING SOON |
Alan Rickman -- no it's not Goo, so when you click on it, and it's not Goo, I warned you |
My Me Page -- all you ever wanted to know about your humble webmistress |
Tiff's Page -- a home for all her Goo drawings and other things |
That's right! Are you tired of your lame ass job? Want to work somewhere cool? Have a look at The Deep-Fried Boot's application to see if this is the dream job you have been looking for! |
Hey guys, sign the guestbook. This is where you can submit a "resume" to The Boot. |
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. |