Welcome one and all to the Jason page! |
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Jason is Goo's top dog, head of security. Wow, to think I went to school for 13 years to make a complex sentence like that! There's that public education paying off again! *wink* If you want to read about my "encounter" with Jason!Protector of Goo, go to MandyMay's Concert Experiences. The main image I have of him in my head is standing in front of the stage jamming and singing to "Broadway." I actually pointed him out to my sister and was like, "Look at that security guy! He is really jamming!" |
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Anyway, he is just really cool and I think he deserves a little thank you from all us Goo fans. Not only for being such a cool guy; or having that sarcastic, witty, and often times funny way of making us fear him; or his threatening, scary, yet somehow comforting presence; but for being such a cool, kick ass protector of Goo!! So, to Jason, MandyMay says: |
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Now, all you Goo fans out there, if you have seen Jason manning the front of the stage, or causing terror out back by the buses and want to thank him for being so cool, drop me an e-mail with "Thank You Jason" in the subject line and I'll post it. Go on, send a thank you message. . .send it now! |
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As a side note: Thanks to the people from the World of Goo message board, Jason has also been Jason!Protector of Matchbox 20. |
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NEWS FLASH: Jason is no longer with the Goo's. He has returned to Matchbox 20. *tear, sniffle* I'm sure they will take good care of him. . .or Jason will take good care of them. Either way, they will all be taken care of. Jason, we miss you!! |
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Jason is great! I love how he sings along with every single Goo song! He |
is fiercely protective of the boys of Goo. They are very lucky to have him |
watching their backs! Thanks Jason! -- PattyGoo |
hi i'm Julie (aka Dizzyeyes) from the World of Goo. a friend and i recently went to a goo concert (June 24, Edmonton) and had the most amazing night of our lives. i had dreamed of goin to a goo concert forever (afterall they are my one and only favorite band) but i didn't think they would be comin to Canada. so i was really surprised and incredibly excited when i found out about the Canada part of the GF tour. we had an amazing night, and after the concert, we got to meet the band. it was confirmed for us that they are the 3 sweetest guys ever! i couldn't believe i was talking to them......even got a few hugz in *wink* but anyways, we also met Jason, and yes he is the coolest security guard ever! -- Julie |
Hi im the chick Stephanie that made Mandy flip it on MTV!! :) I would like to thank Jason for being an awesome kick ass security guard for the band. I got the chance to meet him at my first Goo Concert and he is totally kick ass!! :) And i would like to thank him for not letting the annoying chick with the rainbow book bag get special privileges cause she came from Pennsylvania to see the band. Im sorry but i think that everyone at the concert came to see the band too.....so please back up against the wall or the powers of Jason will control you!! Also thank you for letting us meet the band and once again you kick ass man!! -- Stephanie from KY |
Thank you Jason for being the almighty protector of goo! And you really can make people form a line when you want them to. -- Heather |
I just wanted to thank Jason for making my Nashville Goo experience even more memorable. I was in the front row all by myself for 3eb, my friends were late, anyway Jason came over and stood beside me! I said "Hi" he said "Hi", I said "How are you?" he said "Fine and you?" then I said something like "Now I don't have to stand here by myself" and he said " That is what I thought too" ! He did not stay there long, but it made my concert experience even better. I talked to him a few more time before the Goos came on, plus I gave him a bracelet that I made that matched the ones I gave the guys. Anyway, Thanks Jason! Keep up the great job! -- Holli |
That is Jason!Protector of Goo. |
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Jason: (pointing) You! Yes, you the one who is acting like she is not looking at me or Goo. I don't like the way were or were not looking at Goo! Get in Mug Shot Pose against the wall, now! |
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Girl: I am against the wall! |
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Jason: Well get against the wall more! You will not belive the powers I have! |
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Girl: Powers? |
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Jason: Yes, powers! Big, mean, scary man, security guard powers. Powers that will make you unable to sleep at night for fear I will use my powers on you! |
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Girls run off in terror and Jason smirks to himself, quite satisfied. |
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Here he is manning the front of the stage. This pic is from Sassy over at |
Thanks!!! |
Aahh!! I'm scared. Here is DaMan in full rocker pose and ready to scare anybody shitless if they get too close! Thanks to PattyGoo for sending this in from the Chicago Riv show! |
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Jason!Protector of Goo smiling? Aahh, even the head of security smiles every once in awhile. Thanks to Julie for sending this in!! |
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Sandra and DaMan. Now was this before or after the formation of "the line?" Thanks for the pic Sandra!! |
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Finally, a Jason!Protector of Goo pic of my very own! I cut myself out of it because I looked like crap. Read about my Jason encounter here. |
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The following 2 pics are from Mary Z. |
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Turn to the right. |
Turn to the left. |
Jason has now had his very own Mug Shot taken by Mary Z and it is up on The Deep-Fried Boot for all the world to see. |
*MandyMay waving frantically in the background* |
"Me next!!" |
Holli with Jason in Nashville. Wish my pic came out as goo-d as hers. *sigh* |
Jason at the filming of Storytellers giving the thumbs up to Patty Goo. |
Patty Goo has unleashed her creative side. . .beware!! :) |
~Do you come from a land down under~ |
The Goo's had to bring their posse with them to Australia, ie. Jason!Protector of Goo. |
Got pictures of Jason!Protector of Goo? Want to share? Send them to me here. |
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internet bumperstickers from autumns private collection! aren't they so jason-like? |
Many people, when they run into a telephone pole, blame the pole. |