My Me Page |
Age: Hmm. . .to tell or not to tell? Aww, hell, 24. |
Location: Kentucky, home of the Kentucky Derby. Been there, long horrific story this page can do without. |
Likes: Goo Goo Dolls, Fleetwood Mac, Alan Rickman, Goo Goo Dolls, Stevie Nicks, Goo Goo Dolls, the X-Files, Goo Goo Dolls. . . |
Dislikes: SNAKES!!!!!!! That's about it. Don't like the real ones, cartoon ones, stuffed ones, plastic ones, no gummy worms either; none of 'em. |
Favorite Goo Album: Don't have one, they're all too good to pick one. |
Favorite Goo Song: I can't pick just one, so I'll pick a few: Black Balloon, Tucked Away, Burnin' Up, Slave Girl, It's Over, Bulletproof, I'm Awake Now, You Know What I Mean, Hey, Lucky Star. . .umm, I need to stop before I start naming all the songs in random order. . . |
Tidbit: I actually won a Daily Goo Contest once. It was an autographed Pulse Magazine with a review of Ego, Opinion, Art, and Commerce in it. I remember my sis was always like, "Why do you enter all the time? You're never gonna win." But alas, I entered every single contest hoping, one day, victory would be mine. So, I go to my computer, click on the little pic button that had the winners on it and there was my name. I was in shock, just sat there for a minute, ya gotta realize, I've never won a contest before. I yelled for Tiff, she comes bounding down the hall, I point to the screen, she looks at it and is quiet. Then she is like, "Dude, you won," and left. Left me there to enjoy my own victory alone. |
How I came to like the Goo Goo Dolls: This is a long story so get you something to drink and get comfortable. |
And so it begins -- |
The first time I ever heard Goo was my freshman year when my friend Heather brought them over. She had A Boy Named Goo on tape and wanted me to listen to it. Now, at this time I was heavily into country, I'd never heard of them (the last CD I had bought was Clay Walker) and she put it on and I really wasn't into it. I remember we jammed to Long Way Down and she knew I wasn't really paying attention. After the song, she was like, "Not your style, huh?" and took it off. Thanks for that first amount of minimal exposure Heather! |
Then my other friend Stephanie called me on the phone one day and was like, "Dude, put it on TRL!" Now, I'm not into MTV (that is unless Goo is going to be on there) I'm more of a VH1 girl. So I flip it over there, very reluctantly and the Iris video is on. She is going spastic over it and I'm like, "He has cool hair." That was it. . .or so I thought. They played the hell out of that song, so I bought the soundtrack, listened to it and put it away. Thanks for making me put it on MTV Stephanie! |
One day at school we have a substitute teacher, and you know how substitutes get treated, so the class is loud and obnoxious, someone turns the TV on to, yup, MTV and Slide is on. I'm like, "It's the dude with the cool hair." I liked the song. Then one day we are in the car and I hear it on the radio and for a week after, the only line I had in my head was, "Do you wanna get married or runaway." I sang it, much to my family's dismay, over and over. . .out of tune. :) So, I went out and bought Dizzy Up the Girl. (I've gone through 3 copies of that album actually.) Jammed the CD, jammed Black Balloon on repeat until my mom came pounding on the door saying, "Turn it down or play another song!" I turned it down. |
I go to their concert in Louisville, have a good time, only know the Dizzy songs. This makes me feel bad, so I look them up on the internet, find out (at this point in time) they have like 5 other albums, I go out and buy A Boy Named Goo, like it, so I buy some more. There you have it. |
Also, Heather and Stephanie accompanied me to my second and third Goo concerts. I put their tickets on my credit card so that is my thanks to them for first exposing me to the world that is Goo. They may regret it now, but thanks again anyway!! |
A memorable Goo moment: This isn't an encounter, just a funny little story. |
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It was my junior year and they had just released Black Balloon as a single, which was unbeknownst to me. That is one of my fav songs. So I'm sitting there in Mr. Brown's class with my pal Jessi (everyone say "hi" to Jessi). We have a sub so guess what happens. Someone turns on the TV to MTV, as always, and we are jamming to some rap music. Then all of a sudden I hear some familiar chords and what do I happen to see? The Black Balloon video! So homeboy up front is like, "I'm changing this!" |
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Now, before I continue, you must know that I was very quiet in school. Never said a word, just laid back, took notes and turned in my homework. So it was a surprise to everyone when I said, "Don't you dare! I'm watching that!" He sat back down, Jessi tried to say something to me and I'm like, "Shh. No talking!" with a must watch Goo video look on my face. I watch it, it goes off and Jessi is like, "Woman, you got loud. I've never heard you get that loud before." So I told her, it was the power of Goo that made me do it and she understood completely. |
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I plan on getting a tattoo as soon I can come to terms with the fact that it is going to hurt. *scratch that* I got a tattoo, 3 of them actually. The Gutterflower from the CD cover on my ankle; two roses, vines, all that goo-d stuff and three music notes from Black Balloon intertwined in the vines wrapped around my other ankle. I'm actually thinking about getting more added on to this one, so that it will comes down on top of my foot with more music notes. . .we'll see. My third is a Stevie Nicks inspired tattoo on my right wrist. Luv it!! |
My dream job would be to be a journalist for a magazine. A cool one, like Rolling Stone. If I can't be in a rock band, I would like to write about one. |
I currently have 31 Goo CD's. I'm missing the debut album. |
I put Goo collages on everything. Two purses, my class notebooks and binder, photo album, scrapbook, my bedroom walls. If it ain't nailed down, it's getting pasted. Well, except for the cat, it runs too fast. |
I luv frogs. Not the real ones, but the cute safe ones that are stuffed or drawn. My favorite frog items are my frog socks. . .and the drunk frog figurine that my mom bought me. |
I wish I could raise my eyebrow. Not like the "I'm Scully, I'm a skeptic so I'm gonna raise my eye brow at all of Mulder's crazy theories." You know, like Rickman eyebrow raise, the "I'm cool with a sexy voice and I know it, so I'm gonna raise my eyebrow all sexy like". . .*sigh*. . .so hot. |
My Very Own Name Story: |
To be honest, I had forgotten all about it until the other day when I was looking through my photo album. It was June 10th 2000. . .so long ago. Graduation time. Me, Stephanie and Heather were taking a few pics of us in our dreaded royal blue cap and gown. It's time to go. Me, Stephanie and another friend gather up into her car headed to the high school that one last time. She turns the car on and literally, the beginning notes of Name come pouring out the radio. I was already emotional and I had tears in my eyes. Our other friend didn't get it, but me and Stephanie did. We were silent the whole way there and the song lasted the whole trip. Vitamin C may have had The Graduation Song that year, but Name will forever mark that moment for me. |
My Childhood Fantasy: To run through a corn field screaming, "MULDER!" If you've |
seen the X-Files movie, you might find this more amusing. . . |
If I could be anyone living or dead for the day: I'd be Stevie Nicks! Preferably eighties Stevie with the big blonde hair; think Stand Back video. . . |
I've completed cosmetology school and my new dream job is to be a hair stylist to the stars. . .more specifically rock bands! |
I would like to share a sad story with you, a sad story indeed. It's about my great, good friend Jessi and she shared something with me that makes me sad. |
While at her house one night, I was talking about Goo, (I have to at least once a day) and she told me that she used to have A Boy Named Goo. The following is a some what accurate account of our conversation: |
Jessi: Yeah, I used to have a Boy Named Goo. |
MandyMay: Really? |
Jessi: I only had it for a few days. I never even got to listen to the whole thing. |
MandyMay: Why? |
Jessi: Someone stole it! And to think, I could have been a Goo fan today if someone hadn't stolen my CD! |
Now people, seriously, how sad is that? To steal a Goo CD from a promising, young, could be Goo fan? She would have been a great Goo fan too, that is if she was a fan to Goo like she is to Flaw and Korn. |
Once, a promising young Goo fan, now Jessi is only a casual listener. . . |
Here is one of my best good friends. So goo-d in fact she told me (and it brings a tear to my eye) that if she were ever in a situation where she had only one backstage pass to see Goo. . .she'd give it to me. *tear* I think I need a tissue. I like to call her |
. . .Heather. |
Another one of my best goo-d friends. She has driven my driver's license-less ass all around the state of Kentucky and much of Tennessee. She has taken me to two Goo concerts and is just a wonderful friend. I like to call her |
. . .Stephanie. |
Me, Stephanie and Heather at a friend's wedding. You can't ask for two better friends. |
They put up with my Goo chatter and even broke down and went to a concert. |
Didja notice that we are all looking in three different directions? |
Here is my sister/drawing slave/editor/tormentor/person who helps me make this web page work. Thanks for helping me out my dear, loving, sarcastic sister. ;) |
Me and Tiff. . . |
Me and Tiff pretending to be Orgy groupies. . .Tiff pulled it off better than me. |
I look like, "It came from the '80's!" |
Her best impersonation of Jay Gordon. . . |
This is my 19th birthday cake. . .The little pictures were drawn by Tiff. They actually made her copyright them before they would even scan them on the cake. That just expanded her already huge ego. |