May 12th, 2004: Halloo!! Sorry if I've neglected you, but I'm back with another update. It has been crazy in my neck of the woods lately. Planning my mother's baby shower, day of said baby shower, then the very next day mom in the hospital. With every birth there are complications I suppose. All is well now although baby will be here earlier than expected. Keep ya posted on that one. |
The Goo chat was pretty cool the other week. That Mickey Mouse got scarey after staring at it on the Goo cam for about half an hour. Then come to find out, it was Underdog. Oh well. . .I finally made a Goo chat. . .and asked questions. None of them got answered. . .maybe next time. Am going to have to think of cooler questions to ask. Seriously, I thought my "Spork of fork?" question was one that was on all our minds. . .*wink, wink* Here are a few that I thought were quite interesting -- |
Original message from Kaye: John, What is the key to GREAT hot wings--cooking time, amount of butter or the hot sauce |
Reply from goo goo dolls: I would tell you but then i would have to hunt you down and kill you.
Original message from Kaye: John, Do you use FRANKS hot sauce in your buffalo wing recipe? |
Reply from goo goo dolls: Yeah, only Franks... |
Original message from american_girl: all: if you were an exotic animal, what would you be? |
Reply from goo goo dolls: john would be a yak. |
Original message from lyrical _mistress_BC: Johnny- What possession means the most to you and why |
Reply from goo goo dolls: i could walk out my front door, lock it and not really miss anything.
Original message from AmandaRain: What advice would you give a kid starting high school in the fall? |
Reply from goo goo dolls: get a trapper keeper. and just be yourself... and if people don't like it f*** em |
Original message from seaview: Music in High Places is an incredible dvd!! The music rocked and the scenery incredible. John, what was on your mind when the helicopter nearly blew you off the glacier after Acoustic #3? |
Reply from goo goo dolls: I'm going to have serious shrinkage |
HAHA! They're so crazy. . . |
Now updates: |
1.) Added the Buzzine article to the Tales From ManyMay's Wall page. Actually, they're more like pictures but when ya see 'em, I don't think you'll complain. . . |
2.) Added some Goo drawings to the the Goo Crafts page, but you can see them here and here. |
3.) I've also added my very own trading page called, Let's Trade! |
5.) Lastly, added some new links. The new ones are marked with an (*). |
Don't forget to sign the guestbook and maybe get on the DFB Customer's Unite mailing list. Right now it's a bit quiet, we need some people who like to talk to liven the place up a bit. Happy Mother's Day to all you momma's out there and I'm out! |
Wednesday, October 12th, 2004: Friends! I've missed you! Have you missed me?! You better have, cuz I got a pretty big update for ya. First off, let me catch ya up with what's been happening to me. Mom had baby, been spoiling her; hating my job; my friend had a baby; my best friend, ie. my sis went off to college and left me alone; hating my job some more; took an unplanned trip to California; quit my job and enrolled in beauty school; now I'm back and The Boot is ready for an update. |
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Before we get into the update, let's review what Goo has been doing lately. Robby's Music is Art festival went off great, Rzenzik sang Name with Leann Rimes, Uncle Sams's Jam on 4th; people got a little wet, but fro what I hear, well worth it (CD/DVD combo coming out Nov. 23rd), Rzeznik played some poker, Mike ran a race, Rzeznik sang Iris with Avril Lavigne, new single out, "Give A Little Bit," (a Supertramp cover and if ya can remember a few years back, Rzeznik sang a bit for a GAP commercial) and most importantly, Goo is working on a new album! Whoo-hoo! |
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Now how about that Deep-Fried Boot update. |
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1.) Added bunch more links to the Links page. New ones marked with an (*). |
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2.) Gave the Alan Rickman page a make-over with added info, links, and pics of me and Tiff on POA premiere night. |
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3.) Added the New Year's Eve concert dates to The Tour page. |
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8.) Added some new Rzeznik quotes here, from the Louisville concert 5/22/03. New ones marked with a (*). |
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9.) Added some new Goo Goo Dolls quotes here from the Louisville concert 5/22/03. New ones marked with a (*). |
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I've removed a couple of pages that to me, were just taking up space and I never updated. Those were the MandyMay's Adoptions, Magazines and the Simon Cowell page. I think my Simon phase is over, still gonna watch AI4 though and sorry, the Rickman page will NEVER be removed. :) I wuv him too much. . . |
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I've got some more quotes that I'm working on from a couple of shows I just recieved. Remeber: |
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a.) Check out the My Goo Room page and send some of your own pics in. I'll be happy to add them. |
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b.) Check out my Let's Trade page. I'm always looking for more Goo stuff. |
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c.) Sign yourself up for the DFB mailing list. |
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d.) Sign the guestbook. |
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That's about it for now. Hopefully the next update won't take me five months again. |
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Friday, March 11th, 2005: It's me again! After many, many months with no update. The biggest reason for no updates: Shhh! Be verwy, verwy quiet. . .Goo is making a new album. Goo did update their official site with news of a new album late summer/early fall. Rock on, rock on. . . |
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Kick ass news for the site, it has been selected by internetbumperstickers.com as the Sticky Site of the Moment! I must say, when I first read the subject line of this particualr e-mail from one stickermonkey proclaiming The Deep-Fried Boot as Sticky Site of the Moment, I was very reluctant to open it. Alas, I did and am very glad I did so! Check out their website, got a sticker for every occasion! |
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One very small update, added a pic to the Tales from MandyMay's Wall page. A small pic and article of Rzeznik in the March issue of Guitar World Acoustic, John Fogerty on the cover. You can check the pic out here. |
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Don't forget, check out: |
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If you have anything you would like to share or trade e-mail me! That's it for now, I'm out! |
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October 18, 2005: Brothas and sistas, Better Days are upon us! And I'm not just talkin' about the new Goo Goo Dolls song. The Boot is up and runnin' again! With more disk space! These truly are going to be Better Days my friends, I can feel it in my bones. . .my bones I tell ya. . .my bones. I have to admit, that I have been beyond frustrated with the site for many different reasons. But I got an e-mail today saying that I was losing The Deep-Fried Boot domain name and something twitched. . .actually it was my eye. My eye gets all twitchy when I get angry, but maybe it was something else as well. Hope, perhaps? Hope that I could enhance The Boot; make it stronger, faster. . .wait that was The Six Million Dollar Man. . .anyway I missed doing the updates and decided that I have much more wit, sarcasm and Goo love tucked away in this little heart-o-mine. With all that being said, here is the update that was intened all those months ago. I'm out! |
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Saturday May 21, 2005: Hey guys, figured it was about time for an update! Been busy with school and little Rhiannon is a year old now! She's getting so big! |
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1.) Added some new things to the Let's Trade page: there are some links in bold to some interviews that I typed out. More to come hopefully, but how many times have I said that and not come through? Hey, I'm honest, I have good intentions! :) |
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2.) Added some new pics and links, marked with a (*) to the Rickman page. |
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a.) New pic of MandyMay and Tiff |
4.) Added things to Tiff's page, new stuff marked with a (*). |
5.) I was really getting into HBO's show Carnivale until they cancelled it! So I've added some links to The Menu to help Save Carnivale! Check it out. . . |
Since there is no Goo on tour, I've got to get my concert fix else where this summer. Gonna see Lynard Skynard May 28th and Kenny Chesney in August. . .more excited about the Skynard! Got my fingers crossed to catch some more concert in between, but they've gotta be those free general admission ones, ya know? Poor cosmetologist student at the moment. . .*sigh*. . .I'm out! |
December 13, 2005: More updates! Woot, woot! I was scanning a bunch-o-articles for Tales from MandyMay's Wall, got tired and stopped at 22. So check 'em out here, the new ones are marked with an (*). Also added 5 new pics to the Hmm. . .Pictures? page 3. I hope you enjoy 'em. |
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If you have anything you would like to contribute to My Goo Room, Goo Crafts, anything really feel free to e-mail me. . .Also I have a livejournal account, check that out as well. I'm feeling very depressed that I have no one to read it and haven't updated in quite awhile. Then again, how reliable am I when it comes to updates? Seriously, you won't hurt my feelings. *wink, wink* |
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http://www.livejournal.com/users/mandymay00/ |
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**Update Updated -- It appears that in the previous update, the pictures that I spent forever scanning did not work. And seeing as how I just noticed it, about 2 months later, I think I've fixed it. *fingers crossed* Check out Robby's myspace thingy, pretty cool even if he has yet to speak. Then again, being the blonde in hiding that I am, after seeing the address, which is:
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www.myspace.com/robbyslobby |
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. . .I thought the title was Robby Slobby. Tiff had a good laugh at that one. . .done talking now. Don't forget to sign the guestbook!! |
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Monday, March 20th, 2006: Hiya Goo friends! How the hell have ya been doing?! I've been pretty busy these past months. Finished cosmetology school, got my liscense and a job. Whoo-hoo! Now all I'm waiting for is to start bringing in the money. . .Now, I think it's about damn time for an update! |
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I've only got a few new things. . .they're all from a really nice Goo fan, Gabatron, who was gracious enough to donate some things to a couple of pages. Rock on!! |
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1.) Goo Crafts -- collages and a kick ass homemade necklace! |
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So. . .new friggin' album next month people! April 25th, Let Love In. New website design, a clip of the new single Stay With You. . .I could explode with joy right now. But I won't cuz then I would miss the tour! Tour dates hopefully coming soon. . .then I get to redesign my Tour page! Got my fingers crossed they come to KY. . .I don't think I'm gonna be able to travel much this tour. *sigh* |
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So, MandyMay is on myspace now. . .thanks to Robby for introducing some of us out dated Goo fans to this site. I actually kinda like it now. . .found alot of really nice Goo fans out there. Here's my page addy, check it out if ya like. . . |
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So, got anything you would like to share with The Deep-Fried Boot? Drop me an e-mail and I will be EXTREMELY happy to add it to the site. I get all happy 'n such when I get things in the mail. . .pictures, drawings, reviews, something terribly unusual, I can find a place for it. Please send me things! I love things! Lots of things! Ok, done now. . .I'm out. . . |
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Friday, June 9th, 2006: hhm. . .i wonder how many times our dear mandy checks her own website? because it is i THE TIFF here, who has no need for capital letters unless its to make something more dramatic. LIKE THIS. dramatic, huh? fear not friends, it's easy to hack this page because it's stored on my computer, so i'm not really hurtin' nothin'. OR AM I? i'm not. but can you be sure. no, i'm really not. . . . . .or am i? the world shall never know. :3 |
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anyway goo people, i hijacked my own page, so be sure to check that out, those two comics mandy mentioned are up now, and a nice new layout that i scribbled while surfing the net. i'm also gonna fix that horrible list, but mandy has is in a table for some reason, and i can't get rid of it. |
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also, if ya check at the very bottom of the page, there are some tiff-centric links, if ya wanna check out more of the tiff, including deviantart if ya need some more tiff art in your diet. |
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. . .what does mandy do with past updates? i guess i'll just leave it there and she can fix it herself. |
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Tuesday, May 20th 2006: Hhheeellloooo friends! Hopefully everyone by now has bought the new album, Let Love In, and committed it to memory. It should be at the top of your list. . .next to breathing. . .right? R~i~i~ght. |
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Well, another MandyMay birthday has come and gone. The big 2-4. . .my 10 year high school graduation is 4 years away. . .I'm that much closer to 30. I can feel my bones getting old. . .my bones!! Speaking of which, does anybody watch that show? Bones? I love it. . .my little Bug's second b-day party was this weekend. Lots-o-people, lots-o-kids, lots-o-cake, big ass pinata. Did anyone else just think Family Guy? |
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Enough of the pointless chatter. Let's get to why you're really here The Deep-Fried Boot's updates. |
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2.) New quotes on all the Quotes pages, new ones marked with an (*). |
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3.) Re-did the Tour page. |
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A preview of the things to come: Tiff has drawn two hilarious drawings/comics that pretain to the new album. Can't wait for you guys to see these, I'm sure you'll love them as much as I do. |
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On a sad note, I'm not sure how many, if any shows I'll get to go to this time around. They are not coming to KY and my heart is broken. *tear, sniffle, sob* They are coming to IN and TN, but from what I understand, they are opening for the Counting Crowes. I'm debating whether or not it would be worth it. Not that I'm knocking the Counting Crowes, I like some of their music, but they're not my favorite ya know. Maybe they'll go out alone after this to some smaller venues and there shall MandyMay be. In the front, with her dorky glasses, homemade Goo purse and camera. Then she shall write long, detailed reviews and post blurry pictures. Oh yes, it shall be glorious. . . |
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Lastly, check out the Let's Trade page. I've been doing alot of that lately. I'm out. . . |
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