Friday June 20, 2003: Hey there my faithful goobers! How the hell ya been? Me? Pretty decent. Had some family come in from California for two weeks, one week of which I was on vacation. Oh, the pure joy of sleeping in and not feeling guilty about it. *sigh* Then a week later it was back to work and full time let me tell ya. Know of any job openings? If so, keep me in mind. |
Well, I was flipping through dear 'ol Tiff's art book and stumbled on some drawing I never scanned. Well, actually there is the first copy and then the second copy. They have both been added to Tiff's Page but you can see them here and here. Also added some Fleetwood Mac pictures to the Fleetwood Mac Page, more of those to come soon. Then added three of my own pics to the Fleetwood Mac concert review page. More of those to come soon too, as soon I as get motivated to traipse on down to Wal-Mart and pick up the film. ;) What else? Actually, I think that's it. |
Don't worry friend Ashley, I got your e-mail, but I'm gonna keep that for the next update, have some more info to add to those pages. Those pages need some love too, they are starting to feel neglected. So guys, if ya have any info to add to John, Robby, or Mike's page, e-mail it to me and I'll be happy to add it! You'll get a cookie! |
And as for the Rickey Martin joke, not exactly word for word but here is the jest of it: |
"So, me and my girlfriend were on the couch, really getting into it and she says to me, 'Make love to me like Ricky Martin would.' So I say, 'Ok, where's your brother!'" |
Hope ya got a laugh out of it! :) |
Tomorrow, gotta take Tiff to the midnight opening at Barnes and Noble so she can buy that friggin' Harry Potter book. That's what I've been hearing all week! Two conditions: one; I'm paying for the book, she owes me a Talking Mike Doll (it's only fair) and two; she better not wear the cape. Alrighty guys, I'm out! |
July 13, 2003: Hey, hey my gooey buddies! I've decided to keep on updating even though I have no clue when they will finally get up for you all to read. I'm hoping sometime this month. I'm going to leave the next few updates on this page instead of moving them to the archives for awhile. This way, you can see all the updates you've missed on one page. |
Well, I've added The Customer's Page. . .finally! So check it out, send your orders in. Now this this is imaginary so get those creative juices flowing when making your order! Remember, this is your order, so make it fun and send in a pic if ya want. I've also added The Deep-Fried Boot's Gift Shop, this is a bunch of "Goo" products. Check it out. I'm working on a lyrics page even though you can find them all over the internet, but who cares, right?! The Boot needs a lyrics page, too! *wink, wink* |
In closing, tomorrow I'm off to buy my Kentucky State Fair tickets! Seven of 'em guys, I'm bring a truck load of people with me, including three Goo virgins! August 15th baby and the MandyMay's Concert Experiences page will be updated after almost a year of nilch!! I'll let ya'll know about the ticket buying experience tomorrow! |
I'm out. . . |
July 14, 2003: Oh my lands guys! I am so pissed right now, there are absolutely no words to describe it. First off, I am never going to the Ticketmaster branch through Kroger, screw that! Let me explain. We get there, there is a line. That's cool because I'm pretty sure I was the only one in line there to buy Goo tickets. Well, they finally start searching for the tickets, the lady is yelling over the counter at us. She asks me if I'm waiting for tickets. Duh, I've only been standing here a half hour! GRRR! Then she asks how many, "7, but I don't want them together." Here was my plan, 2, 2, and 3 that way we all had a good chance of getting good seats. Good plan, huh? *wink* |
Anygoo. . .she starts searching for tickets for Hank Williams, Jr.! Now, nothing against Hank Williams Jr., but "No, Goo Goo Dolls!" So, I had to wait for her to get done with that, told her once more that I didn't want them together, I had 3 seperate orders and what does she do?! Puts 7 together and prints them! Doesn't even ask if the section is ok or do I want them? Oh my little gooey buddies, that did it right there! They were section 15 all the way in the back. I was pissed! GRRR!!!!!!! So, left the tickets there and walked out! |
Now, I'm left to search on the computer, end up with Section 11, that's middle floor, row T; Section 15, row D; and Section 15 row K (much better than Section 15 in the boonies!). So, while I'm utterly disappointed in the seats that we got, I need to just be happy that I'm going at all. Maybe the seats aren't as bad as I'm picturing, right? Alright guys, if I rant on any more, it's gonna have to go on the MandyMay's Rants Page. Sorry, shameless plug there. How about another one. Adopt-A-Goo! The Customer's Page! The Deep-Fried Boot's Gift Shop! |
Alright, I'm out. . . :) |
September 25, 2003: Guess what my faithful goobers, Christmas has come exactly three months early! The Boot has been updated!! Much thanks to Eva over at the World of Goo! She kicks computer ass!! First off, take a gander at all the updates that you haven't seen below the update that you are now seeing because the site has not been updated. Lots have happened since I've last updated. |
First off, strange banners have appeared overnight, which is the first thing I plan to get rid of. Damn those things are annoying!! |
Robby had his own festival, the Gutterflower tour has ended. . . two Goo concerts in five days, got some Robby!Love and John!Love with a bit of a chat with Mike thrown in there just for the hell of it. Got pics, stories, a Tiff drawing, a couple of new Goo crafts and much, much more. Be expecting lots of updates in the near future and a new layout for some pages thanks to my sister (and my $50). So check back and check back often because for awhile the updates are gonna be sparatic. |
Now, check out some of the stuff ya may have missed cuz the next time ya check back, it's gonna be on the Archives Page. I'm out. . .for now. . . |
September 29, 2003: Update time my friends. Gosh it feels nice to say that. I had forgotten how rewarding it can be to sit up half the night, clicking away preparing all these updates to share with my Goo peeps. The cramping in the fingers, the twinge in the wrists, the lower back pain, the dark circles under the eyes in the morning from lack of sleep; just to update this page. Wouldn't change a thing. And just look at me. . .all updating and stuff. Word of the day: update. Use it in a sentence while speaking to your friends today. An example: Go to MandyMay's site, The Deep Fried Boot, it has been updated. It's ok to change the word tense guys, I give you permission to do so. *wink, wink* |
Aren't a whole lot of updates. I'm in the process of moving and that is pretty time consuming, too much if ya ask me. And work sucks ass as usual, it's always time consuming, so nothing new there. By the way, "Hi Pam!" :) First off, I've broken the Archives and Hmm. . .Pictures? into two pages. Why you ask? I was bored. Added two new pics to the Hmm. . .Pictures? page on page two. Added a new link to the Links page called Rzez for Prez. Kick ass. They even have merchandise. |
My fav part of the update. Tiff in all her infinite wisdom has figured out how to trick those annoying pop-up menus. All ya have to do, is put alot of empty space at the bottom of each page and the pop-up will appear at the bottom. So, Tiff with her vast amout of often useless knowledge (love ya sista) come up with yet another idea. For those of you who like to scroll all the way to the bottom of pages, there are some cute little surprises down there. Not all of them have a surprise yet, but it's a surprise in itself to see which ones do and don't. Have fun. Until next time, I'm out. |
Tuesday September 30, 2003: 'Tis I, MandyMay, yet again. Let me know if I'm starting to bother you, if not red on for your Gooey update. First, didja use the word update in a sentence like I asked you to? If so, I am psychically sending you a cookie. Ooooohhhhhmmmm. . . :) See it yet? If not, concentrate harder!! You and the cookie and spiritually connected, you are one with the cookie, the cookie is your friend. . . |
Added two new Tiff drawings. You can find them here and here. Got my final two reviews from the Gutterflower tour and pics up on MandyMay's Concert Experienes. . .page 2. Threw that in on ya, huh? That's right, I'm starting to split all kinds of things up into 2 pages. Why? I was bored again. . .What else? Umm. . .updated the Goo Crafts page. Added four new pics there. Added a little blurb to the Fleetwood Mac page about Goo recording "I Don't Wanna Know," pretty interesting. Got some more quotes coming at ya soon and a new page in the works. Gonna try and work on that this weekend, but like I said, moving at the moment so who knows. Taking my vacation next week too, so I'll have more time there. |
Page to keep in mind, MandyMay's Adoptions. Remember, if ya chose to adopt one of these little guys, send me the link to where they will be staying, that's all I ask. Don't forget about all those little surprises I told ya about on the bottom of some of the pages in the last update. Still got quite a few more pages to go. . . |
I'm gonna have to start picking a better time to update rather than at 1 in the morning. *sigh* I'm a night owl though. . .that's when I'm in the best mood to clean house, too. Three am, vacuming the living room, no better time. . .well guys, I'm out. . . |
October 1, 2003: It's me again! With another heapin' healpin' of hospitality! So, if ya want, get it yourself. ;) Just one update tonight, gotta be to work early in the morning. Added the Tales from MandyMay's Wall page. This is a page where I'll scan all the articles and Goo pics I've saved over the years from various magazines. Trust me, there are plenty more to come. |
Let me tell ya, there was a black out in my neck of the woods tonight. The whole side of out street plus two other cities and where was I? At the Dollar General, working my little tush off. . .with power! Damn, damn, damn! The other two DG stores, one 5 minutes away and the other 15, no power. They got to close early, us on the other hand were selling candles til 8 o'clock. *sigh* Nothing cool ever happens to our store. . .other than the kick ass Goo refrigerator in the stockroom. Thanks to MandyMay for bringing the Goo into the work place. Almost forgot, check out this link. It scares me. . . |
Don't forget to sign the guestbook and check of MandyMay's Adoptions! And don't forget about all the little surprises at the bottom of select pages. Alright guys, that's it for this update, I'm out!! |
October 3, 2003: Hey, hey Goo friends!! Welcome to another update of your local Deep-Fried Boot! Special of the day? No clue! Where are the waitresses? Who cares, serve yourself! Restaraunt chains in the works? Who knows?! What's in the batter? Got me! When was the last time the oil was changed? Sometime in December '02? What are the updates today? That I know. . . |
Been a scanning slave today. . .scanned bunches of stuff for the Tales from MandyMay's Wall page. Then guess what I did? I added them to the page. Got all the Hit Parader articles up today and am sacing the rest for another update. Can't give ya too much Goo pics in one day, some of ya out there might have a coranary and I don't think my insurance covers 'Death by Goo'. All the new articles are marked with an (*). Added some more John and Robby quotes to the Quotes page, new ones are marked with an (*). Noticed that I didn't add a link to the second pages of MandyMay's Concert Experiences and the Archives pages, fixed that. Lastly, added my radio story to page two of MandyMay's Concert Experiences. |
On a side note, got my George (that is my dog) one of those really large kennels. He is so bad and so stubborn. Then, on top of that so he will not listen to anything. So, now when he does something bad, he gets 'time in the box!' But is he in the box? Because 'I know that you know, that we know he is in the box!' That was not in any way a shameless plug to get you guys over to the Fanfiction page to read Mike and the Box or Unsolved Mysteries Meets the Goo Goo Dolls. Not in anyway. . .*wanders off aimlessly whistling absentmindedly* Hmm. . .that may have been too adverbs for one sentence. . . |
Don't forget to sign the guestbook! I'm out!! |
**Update on the Update: Well, apparently I have exceeded my quota. Damn! That meant I had to upgrade and now I've got a monthly payment. *sigh* If this weren't a Goo Goo Dolls page, I'd say screw it, but since it is. . .I'll make a monthly payment. *tear* However, new domain name! www.deepfriedboot.com Kick ass!! Good news, I've started a yahoo group so you can recieve DFB updates. Don't be afraid. . .join now!!
October 3, 2003: Hey, hey Goo friends!! Welcome to another update of your local Deep-Fried Boot! Special of the day? No clue! Where are the waitresses? Who cares, serve yourself! Restaraunt chains in the works? Who knows?! What's in the batter? Got me! When was the last time the oil was changed? Sometime in December '02? What are the updates today? That I know. . . |
Been a scanning slave today. . .scanned bunches of stuff for the Tales from MandyMay's Wall page. Then guess what I did? I added them to the page. Got all the Hit Parader articles up today and am sacing the rest for another update. Can't give ya too much Goo pics in one day, some of ya out there might have a coranary and I don't think my insurance covers 'Death by Goo'. All the new articles are marked with an (*). Added some more John and Robby quotes to the Quotes page, new ones are marked with an (*). Noticed that I didn't add a link to the second pages of MandyMay's Concert Experiences and the Archives pages, fixed that. Lastly, added my radio story to page two of MandyMay's Concert Experiences. |
On a side note, got my George (that is my dog) one of those really large kennels. He is so bad and so stubborn. Then, on top of that so he will not listen to anything. So, now when he does something bad, he gets 'time in the box!' But is he in the box? Because 'I know that you know, that we know he is in the box!' That was not in any way a shameless plug to get you guys over to the page to read or . Not in anyway. . .*wanders off aimlessly whistling absentmindedly* Hmm. . .that may have been too adverbs for one sentence. . . |
Don't forget to sign the guestbook! I'm out!! |
**Update on the Update: Well, apprently I have exceeded my quota. Damn! That meant I had to upgrade and now I've got a monthly payment. *sigh* If this weren't a Goo Goo Dolls page, I'd say screw it, but since it is. . .I'll make a monthly payment. *tear* However, new domain name! www.deepfriedboot.com Kick ass!! Good news, I've started a yahoo group so you can recieve DFB updates. Don't be afraid. . .join now!!
December 11th, 2003: Heya!! (How much do you love that song?!) I'm ba~a~a~ck!!! Didja miss me, miss me, huh?! I hope you did. Cuz I missed you!! I'm sure your day was just not complete without a Boot update. You had that empty feeling everytime you checked the page and there wasn't one; a void in the pit of your stomach. You thought it was that turkey that's been in your fridge for weeks you made that sandwich out of. Alas, it was not. Let this update fill that vacant spot. . . |
Yada, yada, yada. . .I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween and even better Thanksgiving. I know mine were pretty good. Halloween was wild (see some Goo-ey Halloween pics here) and I was pretty full come Thanksgiving night. Just got my own computer hooked up a couple of days ago and decided my baby here needed an update. So here comes the Deep-Fried Boot's Update: |
1.) Added a couple more Rickman pics to the Alan Rickman page. *this is MandyMay sending you telepathic messages to go see Love Actualy in a theatre near you* |
2.) Added a couple of Simon Pics to the page. |
3.) The Quotes page got a make-over and added quotes to Rzeznik's and Robby's pages. If anyone has any good Mike quotes that I don't have, kindly send them my way. I'll even send ya a cookie. . .you know I'm good for it. . . |
5.) Added bunches-o-links to the Links page. Check 'em out. |
That's about it for now. Got lots of Goo pics to add to the individual pages but just haven't gotten around to doing it. Even a page for band pics. Got a Lazy Eye page in the works and don't worry (I'm sure many of you are losing sleep over it), I'm still working on The Customer pages. Still got a few kinks to work out and definitely a new page layout. . .*sigh* Possibly a lyrics page, still thinking about that one. . .I hope to squeeze in one more update before Christmas, got my fingers crossed. And guys, be careful out there Christmas shopping, take your time on the roads. |
Remember, anyone out there feel free to drop me an e-mail about the site, news, or Goo. I love hearing, "You've got mail!" Makes me get out of bed in the morning. . .*wink, wink* Sign the guestbook and don't forget to join my yahoo group. As a side note, ebil sister is reading over my shoulder. . .everyone say, "Hi, MandyMay's ebil sister!" Now she feels special. . .well, guys, I think that is about it for this edition of The Boot's update. Tell a friend about us and I'm out!! |
December 14, 2003: My Goo buddies?! How ya been these past 3 days?! Great I hope. |
At the moment, we are caught up in a bit of history. Years from now, you'll be able to recall what you were doing the day Saddam was caught. Right now I'm not real sure how to feel about the whole thing so I'll say this: My dad has been in the military for 20 years, I'm not only proud of the soldiers who brought Saddam in, but I'm proud of my dad. So, take a moment to send a silent prayer to those who aren't coming home. Think of the all the soldiers over in Iraq, all around the world or even sitting in your own living room and thank 'em. . .for everything. If you're reading this message and are in the armed forces, Mandy thanks you. . . |
Now enough of the mushy stuff. This website is suppossed to be about Goo, fun and most of all laughter. Seriously, I've heard that laughing burns ya know, like, calories. . .I have no idea what I'm talking about. Please ignore me and move on to the update. . .which is just a baby one at the moment so I'll leave the 11th update up for a bit more. I've added Gooey Senior Pics to the . Maybe another update later in the day. . .keep those fingers crossed! Remember, think one good thought and smile everyday. . .I'm out!! |
December 15, 2003: Looky, it's me MandyMay again with yet another update! Let me know if you're tired of all these. . .which I'm hoping you're not. I think we're all in a bit of a Goo withdrawl as of late so I'm taking this opportunity to just dig up all sorts of Goo things. . .to keep me sane. *wink* |
So, after a long day of shopping. . .and I do mean long day, I have come home yet again with more stuff for me than for everyone else. *sigh* This is why I've had to make so many shopping trips this year. I did however get my all my friends at work their Christmas present. I bought these little snowglobes and I'm going to put a pic of Goo in it. If they don't like it, they'll get over it. . .or they can give it back to me. I'll gladly keep it. When I get them finished, I'll get a pic up. . |
Now, for The Boot's updates: |
1.) Added a third, yes that you read right my friends, a third page to the Hmm. . .Pictures? page. . .check it out. |
2.) Added a few more bumper stickers here and there. One's like this: |
3.) Lastly, added some really great banners for linkage to The Boot on the Links page. Much thanks to Robin from It's All Goo and the great sister, Tiffani! Check out her page. . . |
That's about it for this update edition of The Deep-Fried Boot. Remember: I'm still in need of Mike quotes and pics; if ya help me out, I'll send ya a cookie! Sign the guestbook! Join the DFB yahoo group! Be nice to someone today! I'm out!! |
Saturday January 31st, 2004: It's me again. . .finally. I've come back to update The 'Ol Boot again. Been pretty busy, someone very close to me is having a baby (no, it's not me!) and I'm helping them out quite a bit. Wanna know who?! My mother! Aahh!! Just think, MandyMay will be pushing 30 when her little sister hits elementary school. . .*sigh* |
I'm hoping everyone had a wonderful holiday. I'm so bad that I didn't get on here and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. . .hope ya had a wonderful. I know my NYE was pretty rockin'. . .would have been even more rockin' had I seen Goo at the House of Blues NYE. Read some great reviews though. . .also a very cool girl named Sara got a bunch of us goobers together to make a scrapbook of the GF tour at its finest. She took 3 extremely heavy scrapbooks to the NYE concert and Goo recieved them while on stage. If ya didn't take part in it, since it was kind of secrative, here are the links to the all the pages of the scrapbooks: |
Now, the updates. Added a bunch-o-links to the Links page. Many of them are thanks to WOG message board. Wanna stay up to date with the latest Goo news, this is when ya need to be. Tiff redid her page. Said simple was better. . .kiss my *explicit*, Tiff. *wink, wink* Looks purty goo-d. And lastly, redid the Archives pages. So, now starting with page one is the very first Boot update and on page two is the very last Boot update. Check 'em out if ya ever get bored. Well goober heads, I'm out!! |
Wednesday March 3, 2004: ~Oh where, oh where has the Deep-Fried Boot gone? Oh where, oh where can it be?~ Why here the hell it is! You've stumbled upon it by golly! Note to self: Never use "by golly" again. . . |
So, I have a new obessession now, I have one about every other week, ya know. Lucky for me, this Goo Goo Dolls one has lasted alot longer, six years long to be exact. Anygoo. . .I seem to have found one of the best television shows ever to hit cable, how I missed it before, I'll never know. Actually, I do know, I don't have HBO. What am I speaking of? Sex and the City of course! All this hype about the last episode got me to buy the first season and it is great! Been through the first three seasons in about a week and bought season 6 off EBAY. Chris Noth is my new ideal husband. Smart, sexy, tall, dark and while I don't know what kind of job he has, it seems to pay well. If anyone spots him around town, send him my way. . . |
Been watching American Idol this season, too. Don't have a favorite yet and haven't voted. I won't do that until they get to the top 10. Am still a fan, but it's just not as juicey as it was last year. . . |
Now, enough about all this second hand stuff, on to the goodies! |
1.) The Links page got a new make-over and I added a bunch-o-links. All the new ones are maked with a *. |
2.) Added some more pics to the Mike and Robby pages. Not to mention the John, Robby, and Mike pages all got a make-over, sometimes simple might be better. . . |
5.) Added another new page: The Band. Full of pointless info on the Goo Goo Dolls plus pics. |
That's about it on the updates. Am seriously thinking about seeing Fleetwood Mac again in Nashville. It's at the same amphitheatre I seen the Goo Goo Dolls at, too. Hopefully I'll have better seats for FM than I did for Goo. Those were the worst Goo tickets I ever had. *sigh* Never again. Something totally off the subject, but makes me happy, I got a kick ass red bedspread today. Very Miss Kitty and very red like Goo's red curtain. . . |
Don't forget to sign the guestbook and DFB Customer's Unite! It's a mailing list, a very small one at the moment, where I can send ya an e-mail when the site is updated. Remember, there is an Adopt-A-Goo page still milling about on here. . .say one nice thing to someone today. . .I'm out! |
Tuesday March 16, 2004: Howdy partnas! Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend, I know I have, I was off!! That's rich chick-a-dees and chick-a-dudes, MandyMay did not have to work one day this weekend, plus I got to work early Friday. I consider myself very lucky. . . |
Went and seen Secret Window with Johnny Depp Friday. Two words: Kick ass. I'm tellin' ya, Mr. Depp is hot no matter how much you try to downplay his hotness, which it seems like they did in this movie. I thought the glasses were very yummy. Wicked ending, never even saw it coming. I really recommend this movie, not really gory (which made me happy), more like mind tricks. |
Decided I AM going to see Fleetwood Mac in Nashville. Bought my tickets Saturday, Section 1 6th row baby! Whoo-hoo! Never thought in my lifetime I would see them once, now we're going on twice! |
American Idol. What can I say? Simon is still hot, still a smart ass. Ryan looks like the Miami Vice of the new millenium with his rocker shirts and suit jackets. Randy is cool, but with a bite. Paula gets on my nerves and George Huff just came up and bit America in the ass tonight, baby! He's my boy! Gonna get all MandyMay's votes this season. . . |
Now for the update. Only one item this time. . . |
1.) Added another new page: My Goo Room. At the moment, it's only my room, but to make the page work I need some goober-ific help. You can send me pics of your Goo room and I'll add them to the page. Share your creativity!! |
Remember, there is also a Goo Crafts page where you can send in pics of Goo-ey things that you have created. There is an . If you're in the mood for some Goo reading, check out Tales from MandyMay's Wall. And the latest additions to the pages: The Lazy Eye Page and The Band. Don't forget to sign up for the DFB Customer's Unite group. I'll drop ya an e-mail when I update. Remember to look both ways when crossing the street and it's OK to hold hands in public, no matter what anyone says. . .I'm out!! |
May 12th, 2004: Halloo!! Sorry if I've neglected you, but I'm back with another update. It has been crazy in my neck of the woods lately. Planning my mother's baby shower, day of said baby shower, then the very next day mom in the hospital. With every birth there are complications I supposse. All is well now although baby will be here earlier than expected. Keep ya posted on that one. |
The Goo chat was pretty cool the other week. That Mickey Mouse got scarey after staring at it on the Goo cam for about half an hour. Then come to find out, it was Underdog. Oh well. . .I finally made a Goo chat. . .and asked questions. None of them got answered. . .maybe next time. Am going to have to think of cooler questions to ask. Seriously, I thought my "Spork of fork?" question was one that was on all our minds. . .*wink, wink* Here are a few that I thought were quite interesting -- |
Original message from Kaye: John, What is the key to GREAT hot wings--cooking time, amount of butter or the hot sauce |
Reply from goo goo dolls: I would tell you but then i would have to hunt you down and kill you.
Original message from Kaye: John, Do you use FRANKS hot sauce in your buffalo wing recipe? |
Reply from goo goo dolls: Yeah, only Franks... |
Original message from american_girl: all: if you were an exotic animal, what would you be? |
Reply from goo goo dolls: john would be a yak. |
Original message from lyrical _mistress_BC: Johnny- What possession means the most to you and why |
Reply from goo goo dolls: i could walk out my front door, lock it and not really miss anything.
Original message from AmandaRain: What advice would you give a kid starting high school in the fall? |
Reply from goo goo dolls: get a trapper keeper. and just be yourself... and if people don't like it f*** em |
Original message from seaview: Music in High Places is an incredible dvd!! The music rocked and the scenery incredible. John, what was on your mind when the helicopter nearly blew you off the glacier after Acoustic #3? |
Reply from goo goo dolls: I'm going to have serious shrinkage |
HAHA! They're so crazy. . . |
Now updates: |
1.) Added the Buzzine article to the Tales From ManyMay's Wall page. Actually, they're more like pictures but when ya see 'em, I don't think you'll complain. . . |
2.) Added some Goo drawings to the the Goo Crafts page, but you can see them here and here. |
3.) I've also added my very own trading page called, Let's Trade! |
5.) Lastly, added some new links. The new ones are marked with an (*). |
Don't forget to sign the guestbook and maybe get on the DFB Customer's Unite mailing list. Right now it's a bit quiet, we need some people who like to talk to liven the place up a bit. Happy Mother's Day to all you momma's out there and I'm out! |
haha! look at me tricking you again! |