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Zzfrom the Real Edge Magazine. "The Baker's Dozen." 1) WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? 1979 Van Halen. 2) WHAT REALLY PISSES YOU OFF? Idiots who think they're more important than they really are. 3) WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WEREN'T A MUSICIAN? I'd be a bartender. 4) WHAT'S A GOO GOO DOLL? Uh, 33-year-old man that regrets ever coming up with that name. 5) AS A KID WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TOY? I had this great Tonka dump truck and this other one that was like a backhoe. You scoop the dirt into the other Tonka truck and drive it away. It was awesome. It was rad. 6) IF YOU WERE A CAR WHAT KIND OF CAR WOULD YOU BE? A 1968 GTO. But it would be all Jake, man. It would be like--it would need a paint job, and the inside would have that kinda weird smell to it, y'know? But it would still be loud. Like one of them project cars that never seems to get painted: It's got amazing rims on it, but it needs a paint job. 7) WHAT'S YOUR POISON? I try not to drink to much. I like drinking Vodka and Tonic. I like a nice Vodka. I'd rather have a couple of nice Vodka and Tonics than like a gallon of something else. 8) SUGGESTED VODKA? Belvedere, man. I'm telling you, you can drink like an entire bottle of it and then go out and run a marathon. It's so pure. I'm telling you there's no hangover. It's freaky, because when you drink it and you wake up the next day, you're like, "Jesus, this is dangerous shit." 'Cause there's, like no pain, and you forget how much you actually drank, because there's no hangover--it's a really smooth buzz. 9) GINGER OR MARY ANN? Mary Ann. You see, Mary Ann would be your girlfriend, but then you'd, like, sneak out of your hut once in a while and see Ginger. 10) DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE WORD? Wow. I've got a lot of favorite words. I love words. Not even so much what they mean, but the way they sound. Um..."Lascivious" jumped to my mind. I love to describe things. I'm really good, like, with adjectives, y'know? Which is kind of a weird game we play on the bus, which is we'll just try to describe things, like--but it's usually something really disgusting--like, it would be, like--and they're usually completely X-rated--so it's sorta, like,"You lascivious, misanthropic, blathery. . . ." [ starts laughing] Y'know, just like it goes on and on, "Scaly..." 11) IS THERE A SONG YOU WOULD NEVER COVER? I would never cover "Left of the Dial" by The Replacements, because it's probably the most perfect rock 'n' roll song ever written, and there's nothing you could do to make that song better. 12) WHAT MUSICIAN, OTHER THAN YOURSELF, HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO BE? Um. . .wow. . .Mick Jagger, for sure. Which was really crazy to actually get to see him play. I never had enough money to actually go to a Rolling Stones concert. But we got to open for 'em, and I got to watch them every night, and I saw the Rolling Stones six times, so I'm, like, "Yeah, cool." I wanted to be like The Damned or The Clash. 13) WHAT ARE FIVE WORDS THAT DESCRIBE YOU? Confused. Insecure. Vain. Um...Tired. And, it's sort of a phrase, but "Not-a-bad-guy."
Cheerios are donut seeds
from mutedfaith.com
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