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Guy: Well, welcome Goo Goo Dolls, great to have you! John: Thank you very much, nice to be here. Guy: If you would, introduce yourself so we can match the face up with the voice. John: I am John. Robby: I am Robby. John: And that's that. Guy: Well, great to have you back in DC and we heard awesome things about the show last night with Bon Jovi the other night. Robby: Yeah it was fun. John: It was great, great show. Girl: Well last time I talked you, I asked you what were some of the perks, some of things you don't have to pay for and Robby you said the black socks and free food from Baha Fresh. Robby: Yeah well - Girl: Is that true? Robby: Yeah, well our passes ran out. . .I actually only used that pass once and I was so embarrassed. Walking in going, Hey can I have like my free $1.50 burrito, you know, I'm in the Goo Goo Dolls. They're like, Yeah, sure ya are! John: Yeah I didn't, I said Can you imagine what a schmuck you would look like going in there and like, `oh, I ain't got 3 bucks for a burrito.' It's like, it's absurd, but -- Robby: But the black socks are nice. Girl: So you still take those? Robby: Got `em on as we speak. Girl: I think I read recently in the Rolling Stone, Johnny, that you had given a gift to Avril Lavigne which was a CD. A Replacement's CD? John: I went out and bought her a bunch of CD's. Girl: Now is that the fact that you are a fan of her's or that she admits even though she's a punker, she doesn't know anything about the Sex Pistols and all that stuff? John: Well it was um. . . Robby: Punker? John: Punker? Guy: She says she call herself skater -- Girl: Oh, I'm sorry skater boi! Robby: She's a punker! John: Whatever. . .no she's uh -- Robby: What you light firecrackers with? Girl: Shut up! Guy: That's what the kids call themselves these days, The Punkers! Girl: Shh! John: She's uh. . . Robby: Superstar! John: She's a super talented kid, ya know, that's, I did some work with her and, you know we had a great time together and I just wanted to turn her onto some cool music that, that uh turned me on when I was her age so. . .so I went and got her some records so hopefully she's listened to them. Girl: So if somebody were to impress you with a CD that they bought for you, what would it be? John: Mine! Girl: Good answer! John: Somebody better get the hell out there and buy `em! Guy: Platinum records don't sell themselves. . . John: No, no, no. Guy: We gotta step up. John: That's right. Girl: Now for the important questions, you guys are here for lunch entertaining a lot of fans, and a lot of people wanted to come meet you, but we do have desert and we have some in here. What is your, um, favorite Girl Scout cookie? John: Oh, thin mints. Girl: Thin mints? Ok, cuz we have the Samoas and the uh John: Samoans?! Robby: I don't know this one, Tag Alongs? Girl: Samoans?! John: I want some Samoans man, these are some good -- Guy: Not little people from Samoa in a box. Robby: Hey, give the cookie a break! Give the cookie a break, you Samoan! John: He can't help it, he's a big fat cookie. . .peanut butter patties, that is the Tag Along. . . Robby: That's new. . . John: That's a new one. . . Robby: . . .for the new millennium. . . Girl: Yeah, try it, that's the good stuff. It's good with coffee. . . John: Strong values, strong minds, strong body, strong spirit, strong friendships, strong skills, strong leadership, strong community. Robby: There ya go. Girl: Is that the lyrics to your next song, or is it - John: No, it's on the side of the Girl Scout cookie box! Robby: Sounds like *some band* song. STRONG HEART! Girl: Well now that I started with the ridiculous questions. . . John: Mmm. . .that's good Girl: Isn't that good?! John: That's really good when you dunk it in the coffee. . . Girl: With the coffee, that's very good. . . Guy: Tag Alongs and coffee, it's for the edgier Girl Scouts! The ones that want to stunt their growth! John: Exactly. . .so what's up guys? Girl: I don't know. . . John: What's the news in Washington? What the news of the world here? Girl: Well we were just voted the most dangerous city in the world to live in, not because of the crime rate but because of the all the added - John: Oh, all the added attractions? Guy: Yes, we're a great big bulls eye. . . Robby: We're close to Niagara Falls, ya know in Buffalo so that's a kind of high risk area as well, it can knock out the power in half the country. Girl: Oh yeah, I didn't think of it that way. John: I tell ya man, well that was during the cold war that could do that, but uh. . .there was those 6 Al Quida guys living in Buffalo. . . Girl: Yes! John: And I swear to God, I know my sisters were going out with `em. Guy: A six of `em? John: I called `em. . .well my sisters were really interesting. . .I just like, I had to call `em when I found out, Are you sure you don't know those guys? Robby: I mean, they didn't live too far away. . . John: No the didn't, they lived like a mile away. . . Girl: Well how they. . .it's Buffalo. . . Robby: Yeah, good point. I could hit a baseball to the other side of town. . . Commercial break. . . Guy: We're talking with John and Robby from the Goo Goo Dolls and they did a big sold out show the other night at the MCI Center with Bon Jovi. . .what's it like playing with those guys? John: They're awesome, they're awesome, I mean it's um, it's nice cuz we get to uh, play early and then uh, go home. . .and they're all super nice guys. . . Girl: Yeah. . . John: They really are and down to earth and just cool to be around ya know. . . Girl: They bring the wives out on tour? You seen Heather Locklear running around - John: I seen her once and everybody in the arena was like, duh! duh! Girl: Any wedding plans for either of you? Robby: Uh, I'd have to annul the one I have at the moment. .. Girl: Oh hey, congratulations! Your married and have a family? Robby: Oh, no family. . .just married. John: And I don't even have any girlfriend plans right now. Guy: Now was that by design or just - John: I just broke up with my girlfriend, so I don't want to go out with anybody. Guy: How did you tell her? John: I left town. . . Guy: That's it?! A note? Anything? John: No, I left town -- No, no, no. I told her -- Robby: That was 45 weeks ago. . . John: Yeah, 45 weeks ago, she's still waiting for me to call her back. Guy and Girl: Aw! John: Nah, no, no, no we were together for a long time. But uh, you know, it just wasn't working out so I just told her, "you know I'm leaving and I don't think we should see each other anymore." Girl: That happens. . . John: And being the coward that I am, I did it like 5 minutes before I had to leave, then I'm just like, Gotta go! Sorry, love you! Guy: We can talk about this when I get back. Next year! John: No we can't, no we can't. . .can't talk about it when we get back. . .but ya know yeah so it's kinda cool a little alone time, focus on some work that's about it. . . Guy: What is next for you guys in terms of work? John: I think we're gonna try to take 3 months off. . .cuz, uh. . .work on some other stuff. Robby's got a bunch of junk going on, I got a bunch of stuff going on. . .I don't know what the hell Mike's gonna do. Probably just sit around at home and watch videos. . .but uh. . . Girl: Mike, the uh mystery guy from the Goo Goo Dolls. John: Yeah, mystery drummer. . .but that's ok. . .he don't mean as much. . .(meant as a joke folks) Girl: What concerts are you gonna check out yourself this year? John: None. Girl: No Ozzfest? No. . . John: Naw. . .why do I wanna see that stuff? Hang around with a bunch of half naked drunk guys. . . Guy: Nothing excites you that's out there? Girl: How about Norah Jones? John: I would love to see Norah Jones. . .I would see Norah Jones, I would love that. . .you keep firing `em at me and I'll keep tellin' ya. Girl: OK. . .uh, Dave Mathews? John: I'd go see Dave Mathews. . .yeah. . . Robby: I don't think you've hit one for me yet. . .keep going man. . . Girl: Uh, Dixie Chicke? John: Uh. . .although I like the little one, I like the little blondie. . . Girl: Now, who's the one in the middle? John: Yeah, the one in the middle. . .the little short blonde one. . . Robby: (laughing) The one in the middle! Girl: That's how people reference you guys, too! John: Call her like cutie Dixie. . . Robby: I got to go see Audioslave. . .yeah, I saw them the other night. . . Girl: Chris Cornell is a dream. . .how is he? Robby: Oh you should have seen it, he had on this undershirt -- Girl: Oh my God, talk to me. . . Robby: I know it was killing me. . . Girl: Yeah, how'd his butt look? Nice and firm? Robby: And his nipples were stickin' out too. . . John: He kept walking off the side of the stage and putting ice cubes on his nipples. Keep `em hard through the shirt. . . Guy: You can't see this on the radio, but Robby was actually touching his nipples. Robby: To illustrate. . . John: Yes he was. Robby: To no avail. . . John: You could hang your car keys off those. Guy: Well, John and Robby from the Goo Goo Dolls, thank you guys so much for coming to see us. . . John: Thanks for having us! Robby: Absolutely. . . |
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