Before all you orange lovers out there enjoy this next group of pics, let me first tell you of my extreme dislike for said color.  I absolutely loathe it.  Why a person would want to wear this particualr shade of the rainbow is beyond me.  You'll never find me in this color. . .ever. . .never, ever, ever.  Want to know how much a hate this color?  I have nightmares about it.  The most vivid, I was getting ready for school and runny late, as usual.  My mother is yelling at me to hurry up, but GASP!  I have nothing to wear.  Why?  Every stitch of clothing in my closet was orange!!!  AAAHHH!!  "Mom, I can't wear orange to school!"  *cringe*  Brings back horrible memories.  

Alas, I know there are many out there in the world who love this color.  And because I love and respect Goo so much, I can try to look past the orange tank top.  So, for all you Goo/Orange lovers out there, this page is for you. . .

Home?  I'm confused. . .

Spelled his name wrong. . .

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more time?  keep lookin'.